6a: Identifying and involving oneself with the early childhood field
6b: Knowing about and upholding ethical standards and other early childhood professional guidelines
6c: Engaging in continuous, collaborative learning to inform practice; using technology effectively with young children, with peers, and as a professional resource.
6d: Integrating knowledgeable, reflective, and critical perspectives on early education
6e: Engaging in informed advocacy for young children and the early childhood profession
10 ethical situations and how I would handle them using the NAEYC standards. I have included this to show that I know and uphold ethical standards and follow other early childhood professional guidelines.
A review of my preformance by my mentor teacher during my 243 field placement. I have included this to show that Involve myself with the early childhood field.
Leadership and Advocacy project completed with my partner Melanie Moss Butler at the 2014 Celebration of Learning. I have included this to show that I am engaging in informed advocacy for young children and the early childhood profession.